Over the course of this pandemic, it’s been a difficult and trying time for everyone. All of the team at Barons have strived to provide the best service they can for all of our amazing customers, even in these strange times.

From delivering contract furniture in PPE gear whilst maintaining social distancing rules to the team undergoing training courses with professionals via the Zoom app at home – we didn’t think this was what was in store for 2020! All of the Barons’ team want to come out of this stronger than ever for our customers.

Now that the Government are starting to ease lockdown rules and some of our staff are back in the office, we wanted to know how members of our team had coped with this situation.

Read their quotes below.

Martyn Dunn – South East ASM

“Being furloughed was the first time in my life since leaving school that I have never worked and as a racing cyclist with all races cancelled and deciding not to risk an accident out training during the pandemic, I thought things were going to get a little tedious.

However, with the power of the internet and my home trainer I have been able to still train and race each day against people from all over the world, with that and a few good books and finding out that I’m not that bad at baking either I’ve not found life too bad.

I’m looking forward to getting back to work so I can get in touch with customers old and new and hopefully get a return to some sort of normality”

Melissa Biddlestone – Marketing & Key Account Coordinator

“Working throughout lockdown has had its challenges but also many positives. It has been nice to spend more time with family and take up new interests to keep myself occupied. I am looking forward to taking the next steps towards a ‘new normal’ and seeing some familiar faces again, at a distance of course!”

Judith Joyce - Sales Office Manager

The lock down period has certainly thrown up many challenges... whilst it has meant I have spent more time at home with my family & helping to train our new puppy to hopefully not escape again! I am now ready to get back to some form of normality & adjusting to life working back in the office with the rest of our sales team.

Alex Thompson – Office Account Manager

“Lockdown for me meant spending time with my family, enjoying the sunny evenings and reigniting my interest in cycling and running.

Home Schooling had its moments for both parents and kids but considering it hasn’t been ideal we have coped with everything the schools have thrown at us. Missed the Man United games so glad the football is back.”

Bailey Dalton - Sales Coordinator

“During lockdown, I decided to put the extra free time to good use and try my hand at some DIY. I got some big jobs done and some small and am now a self-proclaimed expert at drilling!”

Justine Gaunt Nelson - Business Support Officer

“Lockdown has been an emotional rollercoaster stressful, challenging but also rewarding, getting family time again as we are forced to slow down.”

Rachel & Andrew Rosser - Managing Director

“Lockdown for us has been a bit difficult as we’ve been shielding, and still are.  I have to say it’s not been easy containing Andrew who has been straining at the leash at every turn!

We were lucky that we moved into our new home just before lockdown, so we’ve had plenty of time for all those DIY jobs. We still haven’t unpacked all the boxes of course!”

Garry Smith – Sales Director

“Working through lockdown for me was strange, not for the fact of working from home, but it was not having the day to day contact with all the team, learning the new daily routines and supporting Melissa working from home. Keeping in touch with all our clients and supporting our existing client base and new clients through this extremely difficult time whilst still maintaining the level of service expected of us was quite a challenge.

Looking forward to having all the team back and getting back to some kind of new normality and already working on some new and exciting projects for the near future”

Dean Booth – Business Development Manager North

“Life on furlough has certainly been strange, but on a positive note it has given me the chance to improve my golf skills & see the best football team in the world finally win the Premiership, just a shame I couldn’t physically see them do it. I am now back at work & enjoying speaking to & helping my customers through these difficult times.”

Ian McIntosh- Scotland & North East ASM

“Looking forward to getting back on the road with some differences being put in place.

We are bringing Barons from indoors to the great outdoors with our unique pop up mobile showroom “alfresco” style. All plants are extra!”

Emma Slinger - Sales & Marketing Assistant

"I have been furloughed since 1st April. My time in lockdown has been spent ensuring my 2 year old daughter is kept alive and entertained and I don’t go too insane. I have enjoyed having this extra time at home with her where I have potty trained her, taught her to ride a scooter, recognise all numbers, sing many Disney songs and lots more! Being at home with a toddler for this long alone when my husband is at work has also been testing at times as you can imagine! I have also got back into exercise and decided to start a family of house plants! I look forward to returning to work when I can and hearing myself think again!"

The team are looking forward to seeing all our customers again soon and will continue to strive to improve our services.

If you’d like more information about our contract furniture or the team’s availability for display van appointments, please get in touch on 01253 741940 or send your enquiry to [email protected] now.