The world has changed a lot over the 50 years since Barons was originally established as Dunn & Roberts in 1973, like most modern businesses, Barons have embraced these changes to better serve and communicate with our customers. What was sci-fi is now commonplace and so a part of our working and everyday lives. We can no longer imagine life without it - computers, the internet and mobile phones to name a few modern essentials. However, it’s not just the computers, internet and mobile devices that have changed how we work at Barons, contract furniture manufacturing has also changed tremendously over the past 50 years, particularly contract furniture that serves the requirements of the care home and senior living sector has evolved to meet the demands of a growing and modernising market. Legislative and production changes coupled with the need to provide a wider choice that is able to keep pace with new trends in style and colour have also fed the transformation in design, manufacturing and production values.

The manufacture of contract furniture still utilises many traditional woodworking and upholstery techniques, but these days environmental concerns and sustainability are also important priorities, so materials like wood are ethically sourced, with waste materials and furniture which has reached their end-of-life recycled to minimise landfill. A much greater focus is also put on designing products that meet the needs of the care home and senior living environments and the requirements of staff and residents to ensure comfort, safety and durability, providing furniture that enhances the quality of life for 21st-century seniors.

Ergonomic and adjustable designs, smart anti-microbial, fire retardant and water resistant fabrics have changed the face of the care sector furniture and soft furnishing provision, coupled with a much wider and improved choice of furniture styles and fabric designs, all have been key factors in the huge changes since the early days of the 1970s.

A Popular Classic for the Modern Era

However, some classics remain popular, and the Fairhaven chair is one of those Barons’ stalwarts that has stood the test of time. The classic frame is still incredibly popular today and one we have chosen to celebrate as part of our 50th anniversary year, it can be seen here upholstered and fittingly covered in fabrics from Skopos own 50th Anniversary Fabric Range, Skopos Vintage Camelia LA13 Sage on Nereus, the original ever popular chair with a modern twist.

New materials, manufacturing techniques, technology, and business models have transformed our business and the contract furniture sector and enabled a more dynamic approach to care sector furniture design and manufacturing but there’s still space for a much-loved popular classic at Barons!