As England reaches the end of its second lockdown, we have some positive news. Here at Barons Furniture, we’re incredibly proud to be able to be associated with the NHS and we’re pleased to announce that we are an official supplier to the NHS through its Shared Business Services (SBS) scheme.

We are proud to participate in the NHS’s Design, Furniture & Appliances Framework (Reference: SBS/19/MA/TYX/9363), which seeks to ensure public sector bodies such as hospitals, clinics, and care providers can gain easy to access to specialist products and services designed to meet their requirements.

Not only has Barons successfully secured this agreement, we also scored top marks out of all the companies that bid for the contract.

The Pride of Great Britain

While we’re on the subject of the NHS, we just wanted to put on record that the whole team here at Barons are so incredibly proud of our National Health Service and all the heroes working in the NHS.

Their response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been absolutely second to none. Up and down the country during lockdown, every Thursday night at 8 pm on the dot, people were showing their appreciation for the work our NHS heroes had been doing.

Those in the NHS who were working in the face of COVID-19 and making do with the little PPE that they had, all deserve to be applauded for years to come. In fact, that’s the very least they deserve. Whilst the majority of the country were staying at home to save lives and protect the NHS, they were carrying on as normal, as much as they could, and battling head one with the fallout of coronavirus.

Let’s not forget the other frontline workers, either. To name but a few of you, all of you bus drivers, bin men, shop assistants, and teachers, who were all still going into school to provide childcare for other key workers, you all played a massive part in tackling COVID head-on and ensuring that there was some kind of normalcy for the rest of us during the first lockdown.

From all of us here at Barons, you’re all heroes in our eyes.

A Final Note…

As we approach the end of the second lockdown in England, we just wanted to remind all of our customers and potential customers that we’re here to support you at Barons.

If you’re in the market for an interior refresh, our socially distanced, unique display van service can help you make your mind up about what furniture would be best for you. Alternatively, if you’re uncomfortable with a face-to-face meeting in the current climate, we can also offer both showroom and display van appointments via a Zoom video call.

If you have any queries at all, about anything, then feel free to contact the team here at Barons Furniture. You can call us on 01253 741940 or you can email us at – [email protected].